
The eSymposi​a Series will feature both Plenary Sessions with invited experts and ePoster presentations showcasing the latest research in our field. 

Each eSymposia will support an overaching topic: 

July 12 and 13, 2021

Molecular Mechanism and Structure – Zooming in on Plant Immunity

This event will highlight key, recent advances in our mechanistic understanding of the activation of immune signaling gleaned from structural biology, biochemistry and functional genomics.

September 15 and 16, 2021

Pathogen-Host Coevolution – Combating Resistance Breaking in Agriculture

This event will explore the mechanisms by which pathogens evolve novel virulence activities and question why some pathogens need numerous effectors while others need only a few. It will also address effectiveness of resistance traits in the field though under high pathogen pressure.​

​December 1 and 2, 2021

Plant-Microbe Interactions in the Environment – Navigating a Complex World​

This event will investigate how plants engage with beneficial microbes while restricting pathogens. These networks of interactions are complex and influenced on numerous interactions in the environment. Researchers will reveal new insights into the factors that influence the outcomes of plant and microbe interactions in response to diverse stimuli.