IS-MPMI Nominated Awards

IS-MPMI recognizes the outstanding service, scientific innovations, and significant accomplishments of its members​ with the Outstanding Achievement Award and the Early Career Achievement Award

IS-MPMI ​Members are encouraged to nominate themselves or another IS-MPMI member for these prestigious honors. ​

IS-MPMI Outstanding Achievement Award 

The IS-MPMI Outstanding Achievement Award (formerly called the IS-MPMI Award) ​recognizes an investigator who has a high international reputation as a research leader for groundbreaking and original research in the area of molecular plant-microbe interactions. The award also recognizes their strong commitment to one or more activities that advance the IS-MPMI field, including teaching, mentoring, educational outreach, international collaborations, service to the community, and/or advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Membership in IS-MPMI is required.​

The award includes an honorarium of $1,000, a featured presentation by the awardee during the IS-MPMI Congress, and complimentary registration to the congress. ​

Nomination process

​​Each member of the society may nominate one (1) candidate for the award, including themselves. The nomination must address the candidate's contributions to research and other notable acti​vities. It should include a clear statement describing the impact that the nominee has had in the field of IS-MPMI.

Nomination package to include:

  • Nomination letter (not to exceed 2 pages; 1,000 words single line spaced) describing the basis for the nomination. This letter should document the relevance and impact of the candidate's research contributions and activities that advance the IS-MPMI field. The letter can be written by a single individual or group of individuals.

  • A curriculum vitae of the nominee summarizing their research, teaching, mentoring, and/or service activities. 

  • A list of ten (10) most significant publications of the nominee

  • Additional letters of support (optional 2 maximum) Letters that can provide additional insight into the significance of the nominee's contributions outlined in the nomination letter are welcome though not required. 

  • Nominations should be submitted via the online form and all supporting documents to be saved as a single portable document file (pdf file) and saved as the nominee's last name, first name, followed​ by nomination (example: Smith_Tom_nomination.pdf). Each page in the PDF file should have the name of the nominee included in the page header.

IS-MPMI Early Career Achievement Award

The IS-MPMI Early Career Achievement Award (formerly​ called the Young Investigator Award) recognizes an outstanding investigator who is known internationally as an emerging research leader in the area of molecular plant-microbe interactions. 

The award includes an honorarium of $1,000, a featured presentation by the awardee during the IS-MPMI Congress​, and complimentary registration to the congress.


  • ​Nominees must be current IS-MPMI members who have been in an independent, full-time research position for no more than seven years as of the date of the next IS-MPMI Congress. Note that time taken off for child-rearing does not count in this limit and other special circumstances may be evaluated at the discretion of the committee.

  • The research forming the basis of the nomination must have occurred during the independent  research phase of the nominee's career, typically within the last 6 years. 

  • Typical nominees will be within 12 years of receiving their PhDs.

  • Students and Postdoctoral Scholars are not eligible.​​

  • Attendance at the IS-MPMI Congress is required prior to receipt of award funds.

Nomination Process

Each IS-MPMI member of the society may nominate one (1) candidate for the award, including themselves. Nominees are to be IS-MPMI members.​ The nomination must address the candidate's contributions to research, including a clear statement describing the impact that they have in the field of IS-MPMI.

Nomination package to include:

  • A nominations letter (not to exceed 2 pages; 1,000 words single line spaced) describing the basis for the nomination. This letter should document the relevance and impact of the candidate's research contribution in the field of IS-MPMI. This letter can be written by a single individual or group of individuals. 

  • A curriculum vitae of the nominee

  • A list of the most significant publications of the nominee while in their independent research position.

  • Additional letters of support (optional; 2 maximum) Letters that can provi​de additional insight of the nominee's research contributions outlined in the nomination letter are welcome though not required.

  • Nominations should be submitted via the online form and all supporting documents to be saved as a single portable document file (pdf file) and saved as the nominee's last name, first name, followed by nomination (example: Smith_Tom_nomination.pdf). Each page in the PDF file should have the name of the nominee included in the page header.
