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Dec 23
IS-MPMI Interactions - Issue 4, 2019
MPMI Interactions Issue 4 - 2019
Dr. Hailing Jin
A Message From IS-MPMI President, Mary Beth Mudgett
Mary Beth shares her goals for our society, highlights achievements we should celebrate,
and calls for our members to engage in conversations and propose action items that keep IS-MPMI a growing, diverse society.

Also in this issue...
Jim’s former mentor reflects on the life of a well-respected colleague
Many tributes to @jimalfano1 were quickly posted on Twitter from his many followers. Read on for a selection of those tweets.
Members of the Board of Directors (BOD) contribute to society leadership, decision making, and Congress planning by participating in month or bi-monthly BOD teleconferences, and assist in developing and soliciting content for IS-MPMI Interactions.
Read more about how you can get the word out about the impact plants have on our lives and the importance of plant health in ending hunger, reducing poverty, protecting the environment, and boosting economic development. 
InterConnections: A Reflection About Writing A Scientific Article for the MPMI journal
Robyn Roberts discusses career pathways and insights about publishing her work, “Mai1 Protein Acts Between Host Recognition of Pathogen Effectors and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling.”
Mentors play an important role in the success of students, postdocs, and other laboratory personnel, and both the mentor and the mentee share a responsibility to make their relationship productive and rewarding. Read on for a list of resources to help you enhance your mentoring capabilities.
We are always looking for content for Interactions. Please contact Interactions Editor-in-Chief Dennis Halterman with questions or article ideas.

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