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Society News
IS-MPMI > COMMUNITY > Interactions > Categories
| Recent actions by the U.S. federal government, including funding and employee cuts, are putting scientific research at risk. Members of Congress need to hear from you to clearly understand the impact this is having on constituents in their state, so they can advocate on your behalf at the federal level. Calling your representative is the best way to make your voice heard. -
Find Your Representative's Contact Information: Enter your home address on to locate your Member of Congress or Senators and their phone number.
Making the Call: When a staff member answers, introduce yourself by sharing your name and address to confirm you are a constituent.
- If you're directed to voicemail, simply leave a message.
Some voicemails have strict time limits, so try to keep your talking points short and under 30 seconds.
- Keep It Clear and Concise: Your conversation might be brief due to other incoming calls, so be sure to clearly mention
- Why you are calling
- Your research area
- Importance of federal funding to your research
- How your research and molecular plant-microbe interactions research more broadly serves the national interest
Remain Polite and Professional: Be respectful during the call and offer your contact information in case they want to follow up with you later.
Add Personalization and Your Own Story: Here is an example that gets at all key points your representative will need:
"My name is [Full Name], and I live on [Street in City, State]. I'm a [role] at [organization], focusing on [research area]. My work is funded by [government agency] and is vital because [main public impact of your research].
I'm very concerned about recent White House decisions to freeze federal funding and restrict communication between federal employees and the scientific community. These actions directly impact me, my colleagues in [your state], and our ability to make scientific advancements that benefit your constituents. We are all incredibly concerned. I strongly encourage [Representative Name] to take steps to reverse these freezes. I'd be happy to discuss this matter further at [phone number]. Thank you."
Email Works Too: Don't have time to call? Find email addresses on too and hit on your key points in an email.
- Spread the Word: Encourage your colleagues and lab members to make calls or send emails. Every touchpoint matters!
| The Michael Mishkind Travel Fund provides travel awards to IS-MPMI Members who are early career researchers seeking to attend the 2025 IS-MPMI Congress. Your contribution will provide support and inspiration to the next generation of scientists and researchers in the field of plant-microbe interactions. Give now.
| Follow us on this new social media platform that continues to increase its presence in the scientific community. Connect with leading researchers in the field of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, genetics, genomics, proteomics, and molecular ecology through IS-MPMI (
| There are multiple ways to get involved with IS-MPMI, from presenting and attending the IS-MPMI Conference to submitting a manuscript to MPMI to sharing content through social media platforms. Learn more about how you can volunteer and engage with the IS-MPMI community. |
| The IS-MPMI Board of Directors recently reviewed and amended the IS-MPMI Bylaws, and members were sent a ballot to ratify the amendments. Voting is open through March 25, 2024.
Contact Linda Schmitt at IS-MPMI headquarters if you need your ballot resent to you.
Join us at the IS-MPMI Congress, July 13–17, 2025, at the Confex Conference and Exhibition Centre in Cologne, Germany, for groundbreaking research, sessions, and dialogues on molecular plant-microbe interactions. Stay tuned for updates! Learn more.
| Recordings of presentations given at the 2023 IS-MPMI Congress are available to all members and those who registered to attend the congress. Explore what you missed!
| IS-MPMI is part of Root & Shoot, a Research Coordination Network (RCN) that is leading cultural change in plant science through professional societies. Root & Shoot aims to create a culture of support in the plant sciences and is currently developing a cohort-based training program in culturally aware mentorship. Learn more about Root & Shoot and available opportunities.
| Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions is seeking postdoctoral volunteers to fill "assistant feature editor" positions for a duration of two years. The application submission deadline is February 14, 2024.
MPMI is looking for creative, innovative communicators who are eager to volunteer their time to engage with both the scientific and nonscientific communities in accessible ways. As an assistant feature editor, you will be part of a journal editorial team, see the inner workings of the MPMI journal, develop a unique science communication project highlighting your talents, and interact with the diverse MPMI scientific community. These positions, suitable for highly engaged postdoctoral fellows who would like to gain experience and behind-the-scenes knowledge of publishing in MPMI, involve development of multimedia (written, audio, video, etc.) communications within your areas of interest and mentorship in areas outside of your current lab environment. We anticipate a commitment of approximately 10–15 h/month, realizing that there will be some variability each month depending on the projects the assistant feature editor chooses. MPMI values the diversity of our community and is seeking assistant feature editors who will contribute to equity and inclusion through their projects. A key role of assistant feature editors is amplifying the impact of our research publications through multimedia content creation, targeting different audiences in an inclusive way. Assistant feature editors create their own niche based on their interests, skills, and ideas in diverse areas of nonscientific and scientific community engagement, including, but not limited to - Writing online research summaries
- Highlighting articles on X (formerly Twitter) or other social media platforms
- Interviewing authors and working with our staff amplification specialist to write news stories and press releases for a nonscientific audience
- Writing MPMI commentaries highlighting articles published in MPMI
- Being mentored by MPMI senior editors in manuscript review
New assistant feature editors will likely contribute to current projects and tasks but are also encouraged to suggest and initiate novel ways to promote MPMI and its content.
Assistant feature editors work closely with the editor-in-chief and associate editor-in-chief, as well as with other senior editors and members of the journal marketing staff. These interactions, as well as interactions with authors and the greater community, provide additional opportunities for networking with scientists beyond the connections formed based on their research.
To apply, provide the following to MPMI Editor-in-Chief Tim Friesen:
- One-page cover letter outlining your research focus area and current position; expertise; and interest in this position, including the following areas as applicable to you:
- Experience with social media, writing, and other forms of communication
- Experience working to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within or outside the scientific community
- Engagement with aspects of science beyond your own research
- Participation in, or leadership of, communication projects for a nonscientific audience (describe the target audience and strategy for engagement)
- Current CV
- Contact details for two professional references
- A short, nontechnical communication sample based on any recent publication from the MPMI journal
Applications are due by February 14, 2024, and will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Apply today! |
| The IS-MPMI Election Committee is accepting nominations for President-Elect to join the IS-MPMI Board of Directors. Board member responsibilities include participating in monthly board video conferences, including congress meeting planning, fundraising, and communications to the membership. They also partner in new initiatives to support and cultivate diversity and inclusion within our IS-MPMI community. Nominations will be accepted through October 6, 2023.
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