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IS-MPMI > COMMUNITY > Interactions > Categories
| Here in Ithaca, NY, the days are getting shorter and cooler as summer comes to a close, but with the start of our new academic year, it is a time of excitement and promise. For our Society too there is a lot to look forward to in the coming year. Not least, the 20th IS-MPMI Congress next July, in the beautiful city of Cologne, Germany, a science hub rich in history and culture. The program will feature a variety of speakers from around the world to showcase the most exciting findings in plant-microbe interactions, with ample time for human interactions. Plan now on "Making Global Connections in Plant-Microbe Interactions" in Cologne 2025! I also am happy to report that the IS-MPMI Board of Directors, beyond its historical role of selecting a locale and assisting the organizers for the biannual congress, has been building on transformative initiatives developed during the pandemic—in professional development for our early-career members and in community building that promotes geographic and social diversity. We have been working on new initiatives too, in open science and public outreach, that we hope will help members better share their research and its importance. You can look forward to several things already in the works, including more frequent episodes of the Microgreens podcast, a new slate of What's New in MPMI Virtual Seminars, a reprisal of the 2022 Online Early Career Showcase, first author interviews and other engaging new content in the Interactions newsletter, and, as offered for the 19th IS-MPMI Congress, a permanent switch to open access to all congress posters and talks by authors and speakers who sign on. More is being planned, and the board will need your help. Keep an eye out for calls to get involved, and send me or any other board member your thoughts and ideas on how together we can best advance the IS-MPMI mission of supporting member achievement, as well as realize our vision to "embody a diverse, engaged, international community of scientists, educators, and other stakeholders to create and share foundational knowledge in plant-microbe interactions toward greater understanding, appreciation, and sustainable use of plants and the environments in which they grow." Whether the days are getting shorter or longer where you are, and wherever you may be in your calendar, my sincere best wishes for the year ahead. On behalf of all the board members, we look forward to your successes and to working together to strengthen our community and the positive impact of our discipline.
With best regards, Adam Bogdanove IS-MPMI President |
| Alba Moreno Perez (left) and Danielle Stevens (right)
This is the first spotlight in our series highlighting early-career scientists and their recent discoveries. Meet graduate student
Danielle Stevens and postdoctoral scientist
Dr. Alba
Moreno Pérez from the Coaker lab at UC Davis. Their work on the
natural variation of immune epitopes was recently published in
PNAS. Learn about their advice for choosing and navigating graduate school, their scientific inspirations, and their new paper.
Q&A with Dani Stevens
What research project are you most excited about right now?
A As I am wrapping up my Ph.D., the discoveries I made have only led to more questions and more future project ideas. During the heart of the pandemic, I noticed most of the MAMP research was focused on characterizing the biochemical and immune outcomes of a handful of MAMPs. With so many bacterial genomes already in NCBI, I quickly realized there is an opportunity to understand the impact of epitope evolution on immune outcomes. For example, I found that multicopy csp22 epitopes can have differential immune outcomes in tomato, impacting pathogen colonization. This was one of our findings in our recent
PNAS paper. Now, I have many follow-up questions on these interactions. For example, how do different immune outcomes impact bacterial protein function? Does an intermediary PTI response provide any resistance locally or induce SAR distally? How do perception and immune outcomes change in other relative plants? In particular, the csp22 receptor CORE is restricted to the Solanaceous family, which contains hundreds of species, and other plant species are found to respond to csp22 epitopes, though they do not encode a CORE homolog. Currently, we do not have a great understanding of the evolution of CORE, other convergently evolved csp22-receptors, and their receptor perception capabilities. With tens to thousands of receptors encoded within land plants, how do we better understand ligand-receptor interactions at scale and potentially engineer de novo receptors. These are questions I am hoping to answer during my postdoc research in
Dr. Ksenia Krasileva's lab at UC Berkeley. But, if you ever meet me in person, I have (maybe too) many questions around PTI and microbial evolution. J
What drew you to the Coaker lab?
A I leaned about the Coaker lab after reading a paper published in
MPMI for a class I was taking during my senior year of as an undergraduate student. I had spent several years working on an actinobacterial pathogen and wanted to keep working on these understudied organisms. Additionally,
Gitta Coaker was highly recommend for her mentorship abilities, and I could quickly tell it was a great fit. I feel thankful for my colleagues who helped point me in her direction and for having the opportunity to be part of her lab.
How did you choose to join the graduate program at UC Davis?
A I have worked in host-pathogen interactions since my first research project, yet I don't see myself as a plant pathologist, at least not in the traditional sense. My undergraduate degree is in biochemistry and biophysics, and I spent a summer at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology. I always have valued diverse training and, thus, sought graduate programs with this in mind, particularly focusing on those that emphasize bioinformatics, computational biology, or genomics and that allow me to conduct research in plant-microbe interactions. I landed at UC Davis as it has numerous well-regarded plant-focused departments and a well-established genetics and genomics graduate program.
What advice would you give to graduate students who are just starting out?
A Be curious and flexible, read broadly and often, yet keep focused on the major questions, areas, and systems that most interest you. Sometimes the most interesting and worthwhile projects are ones you may have not planned for. Alternatively, there are far more opportunities and ideas than any one person has the time for, so it also is important to be selective. Trying to maintain this balance with funding in mind is not easy, but it is incredibly rewarding.
Who has inspired you scientifically? Why?
A As any young scientist, I use to look up the "greats" in our field. As I have gotten older, however, I have come to realize I am much more inspired by the handful of incredible scientists who have mentored me professionally and personally. These individuals have taught me so much, treated me with kindness and respect, and provided me opportunities and independence, all while maintaining a positive life outside of their academic careers.
Are you involved in other scientific/professional development activities? How do these contribute to your training?
A As I approach graduation, I am gradually winding down some activities to refresh before starting my next position. I want to highlight two key scientific activities that shaped my training. First, I served on my graduate group's admissions committee for three years. This role was incredibly rewarding, as I could provide a diverse perspective and impact our incoming class. Second, I organized and ran a student-focused seminar series for genetics students. Unlike some graduate programs, genetics (also known as IGG) spans many departments and buildings, making it difficult for our community to come together. The seminar provided an opportunity for students to gather, share their science, and support each other's progress. Both experiences were rewarding and contributed significantly to my training.
What is the greatest challenge you have encountered in your career? What did you do to overcome this challenge?
A I think the most rewarding and challenging aspects of my career all revolve around people. I found it is important to stick to and stand up for one's values. However, also having grace and patience can do wonders in conflict.
How can people find you on social media?
A X: @Dani_M_Stevens
What's your favorite story from an IS-MPMI society meeting?
A I don't have a particular story to share, but I have enjoyed my last two IS-MPMI meetings and look forward to the next.
Is there anything else you would like to share in your spotlight?
A While I am thankful for the chance to highlight myself, Alba, and our recent publication, I am also excited to wrap up some other work to share with the MPMI community in the coming month or so. Be on the lookout if you are interested!
Bonus question: What's your favorite pathogen or disease?
A Any actinobacterial pathogen of course. J
Q&A with Alba Moreno Pérez
What research project are you most excited about right now?
A During my collaboration with Dani on this project, we made an exciting discovery: some elf18 variants can induce early, but not late, plant immune responses. These MAMPs, known as deviants, have opened up intriguing questions. I am particularly fascinated by how these natural deviants manage to reduce the PTI responses. Recently, I've started a new project with the goal of uncovering how these deviant peptides activate the receptor and why they fail to trigger later plant immune responses. I'm really thrilled about this opportunity to identify the mechanisms by which deviants evade plant immunity and to explore their potential role in avoiding pathogen recognition.
What drew you to the Coaker lab?
A In 2018, during my Ph.D. research, I did a four-month short stay in
Dr. Gitta Coaker's laboratory in order to learn the GFP strand system. In my thesis, I investigated how pathogens inhibit plant defense systems and promote disease. My time in the Coaker lab sparked a deep curiosity about understanding the defense mechanisms plants use to prevent pathogen infections. Given the Coaker lab's extensive experience in biochemical, posttranslational, and genetic investigations of immunological signaling, I chose to pursue a postdoctoral position there. I believe this will allow me to learn new methodologies that complement my training, providing a comprehensive understanding of both sides of plant-pathogen interactions. Additionally, during my four-month stay, I observed Dr. Coaker's dedication as a mentor who fosters intellectual growth, critical thinking, and creativity. This positive experience motivated me to work with her on applications for various postdoctoral fellowships, ultimately securing two opportunities that enabled me to join the Coaker lab.
How did you choose to join the graduate program at the University of Malaga?
A During the third year of my bachelor's degree studies in biology, I began working on a project as an undergraduate student in the lab of
Dr. Cayo Ramos at the Department of Cellular Biology, Genetics, and Physiology at the University of Malaga, Spain. This project awakened my curiosity for studying plant-pathogen interactions. After completing my master's degree, I joined the doctoral program in advanced biotechnology to pursue my Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Dr. Ramos. His research focuses on studying the role of virulence factors in the host range of
Pseudomonas savastanoi, a bacterium that causes knots in woody hosts. I was particularly interested in investigating the mechanisms that bacteria use to overcome plant immunity and cause disease.
What advice would you give to graduate students who are just starting out?
A My advice is, if you decide to pursue a Ph.D. degree, choose a project that you are truly passionate about. Science can be challenging, and your passion and curiosity will help make the journey easier. When you find a paper or project that excites you, don't hesitate to contact the principal investigator. Send your CV and express your interest in the project. Don't be afraid of rejection; if you don't try, the answer is always no.
Who has inspired you scientifically? Why?
A At the beginning of my career, I was inspired by
Rosalind Franklin and
Marie Curie, women who broke barriers and fought hard for their scientific careers in times when women were not often allowed to do so. Throughout my career, I have met many remarkable and strong women who serve as excellent examples of how it is possible to have a successful career in science without sacrificing family life. Everything is possible if you have passion and dedication.
Are you involved in other scientific/professional development activities? How do these contribute to your training?
A I am involved in mentoring undergraduate students in the lab. Mentoring is a crucial part of our development, especially if you aspire to be an academic professor. Every student is different, so learning how to help them and bring out their best is very important. I also participate in the review of articles and serve on evaluation committees for the Postdoctoral Scholar Association. These experiences have contributed to my scientific career by enhancing my critical thinking skills, broadening my understanding of current research trends, and providing valuable insights into the peer-review process. Additionally, during my Ph.D. program, I participated in outreach activities with the goal of bringing the real image of scientists closer to the public and showing that they are people just like them. I believe outreach is very important because it provides the opportunity to connect current science with future generations.
What is the greatest challenge you have encountered in your career? What did you do to overcome this challenge?
A One of my biggest challenges has been overcoming the language barrier. I am from Spain, and English has been particularly challenging for me, but I have worked hard to improve my speaking and oral presentation skills. One piece of advice: don't hesitate to speak if your English is not perfect. It's more important to express yourself and seize the opportunity to interact and connect with people.
How can people find you on social media?
A You can find me on X: @Alba_MorenoP.
What's your favorite story from an IS-MPMI society meeting?
A The IS-MPMI meetings are among my favorite conferences. They provide the perfect opportunity to reconnect with former colleagues, meet new people, and stay up-to-date with the latest discoveries in plant-pathogen interactions. A very fun moment from the IS-MPMI meeting held in Glasgow, Scotland, in 2019 was during the diversity party when everyone ended up dancing to the Spanish song "La Macarena."
Is there anything else you would like to share in your spotlight?
A I would like to thank Dani and Gitta for giving me the opportunity to be part of this amazing project and
MPMI for highlighting our work.
Bonus question: What's your favorite pathogen or disease?
Pseudomonas syringae has always been my favorite pathogen due to its diverse virulence factors and its value in studying plant-pathogen interactions. However, since working with
Ralstonia, the causative agent of bacterial wilt disease, I've come to appreciate it equally.
Ralstonia's sophisticated strategies for invading and colonizing plant tissues make it an excellent model for studying plant-pathogen interactions at both single-cell and spatial resolution levels.
Bonus question: What's your favorite molecular plant pathology-related article?
A One of my favorite plant pathology-related articles associated with MAMP perception is the article titled "Co-incidence of Damage and Microbial Patterns Controls Localized Immune Responses in Roots," published in the journal
Cell by the group of
Niko Geldner. In this study, they analyzed MAMP receptor expression and responses at cellular resolution in
Arabidopsis roots. They demonstrated that only a restricted subset of
Arabidopsis root zones directly responds to the flagellin MAMP in the absence of damage.
Three-Dimensional Ultrastructure of Arabidopsis Cotyledons Infected with Colletotrichum higginsianum
Name: Kamesh Regmi
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Kenyon College (Gambier, Ohio) Education: B.A. degree, Reed College; Ph.D. degree, Arizona State University Non-scientific interests: Visual media Brief Bio: I grew up in Nepal and arrived at Reed College to pursue my college education, graduating with a degree in biology. Then I met Dr. Roberto Gaxiola on a visit to Arizona State University (ASU) and was immediately fascinated by the mechanisms of photosynthate transport in phylogenetically diverse lineages of plants. During my pursuit of a Ph.D. degree at Dr. Gaxiola's lab, I studied sugar transport and partitioning in a vascular monocot rice and a nonvascular moss, Physcomitrium, and showed that the molecular toolkit required for sugar transport evolved before phloem itself. Overall, trying to understand how structure recapitulates function in the biological universe has been the primary driving force of my research. I ultimately landed as a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. Roger Innes' lab at Indiana University, where I optimized and utilized state-of-the-art imaging methods like serial block-face and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy to elucidate and reconstruct the three-dimensional ultrastructure of various Colletotrichum fungi in the process of infecting host plants like Arabidopsis, sorghum, and Medicago. Last summer, I moved to Kenyon College, a small, primarily undergraduate, liberal arts institution, to establish my own plant biology lab. At Kenyon, I have really enjoyed teaching a wide array of classes—ranging from introductory labs and lectures to upper-division courses in plant physiology and pathology. Specifically, integrating hypothesis-driven, research-oriented, publication-quality science in the classes that I teach to highly motivated undergraduate students has been a rewarding experience.
Computational Prediction of Structure, Function, and Interaction of Myzus persicae (Green Peach Aphid) Salivary Effector Proteins
Name: Thomas Waksman Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Bos Group, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Dundee, UK Education: Master's degree in biochemistry, University of Oxford; Ph.D. in plant science, University of Glasgow Non-scientific Interests: Nature, hiking, music Brief Bio: My passion for nature, science, and the environment came from my parents, education, and hiking activities. From an early age, I thought I would like to be a biologist, and I enjoyed math and chemistry, so I studied for a biochemistry degree. My research activities have focused on protein structure and interactions, plant-microbe interactions and environmental signaling. During my master's research project, I was involved in determining the structure of the UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (UGGT). UGGT is the glycoprotein folding quality-control checkpoint in eukaryotes—it transfers glucose to short glycans in misfolded glycoproteins, causing retention and refolding of these incorrect proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. UGGT must be able to interact with misfolds and glucosylate glycans in any misfolded glycoprotein, covering a very wide range of protein structures—this interactive adaptability is intriguing from a protein structure perspective. Multiple crystal structures of UGGT suggested how interdomain conformational flexibility allows the enzyme to cover a great range of misfold-to-glycan distances. Initially, I wanted to pursue a Ph.D. degree in protein structure and molecular machines. However, an inspiring summer project about nitrogen-fixing symbiosis in the group of Prof. Sharon Long at Stanford University, as well as a growing desire to work in a nature and environment context, led me to plant molecular biology research. During my Ph.D. program, I investigated blue-light signaling in Arabidopsis in Prof. John Christie's group at the University of Glasgow. I developed a novel in vitro phosphorylation assay method for phototropin (phot) blue-light receptor kinases, based on "gatekeeper" technology in which a kinase is engineered to use an enlarged ATP analogue. Gatekeeper-engineered Arabidopsis phot was expressed in a cell-free system and used to identify thiophosphorylate substrate candidates, which is detected by immunoblotting. I discovered that NPH3/RPT2-like proteins, known to be key signaling components since phot was discovered in the 1990s, are in fact phot substrates. Phosphorylation of a conserved phosphorylation site at the protein C-terminus contributes to blue-light response in plants. I am now finally combining my main research interests as part of the APHIDTRAP project in the group of Jorunn Bos at the University of Dundee. My aim is to determine the structure of protein complexes comprised of aphid effectors and plant-host target proteins. For my article published in the MPMI Focus Issue on effectors, properties (including structure) of effector candidate proteins found in green peach aphid saliva were computationally predicted. We realized that many of these proteins are relatively unknown to science, unpredictable, and probably contain intrinsic disorder in their structure. Some of these unusual proteins have effector activity, so I intend to study those. I would like to use mass spectrometry methods to determine the structure of the effector-target complexes at medium to high resolution, followed by computational modeling to achieve accurate structures. X-ray crystallography or electron microscopy can be used to determine high-resolution structure if necessary, after removal of disordered regions. As part of University of Dundee Plant Sciences, I am affiliated with the James Hutton Institute, which exposes me to diverse biological science approaches applied to agriculture and the environment. In addition, volunteering in the United Kingdom's invasive tree disease observation program (Observatree) has reinforced my regard for environmental monitoring and nature restoration. In the future, I hope to do research in the MPMI area, linking the evolution of interspecies protein complexes to ecosystems and engineering plant resistance to insect effectors for agricultural application.
| Name: Mohamed Hafez
Current Position: Research Biologist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Education: B.S. and M.S. degrees in microbiology, Suez Canal University, Egypt; Ph.D. degree in microbiology, University of Manitoba, Canada Nonscientific Interests: Photography and chess Brief Bio: Earlier my career, I conducted research in the field of molecular biology and fungal genetics as a Ph.D. student in Dr. Georg Hausner's lab (Department of Microbiology, University of Manitoba, Canada), then as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Franz Lang's group (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Montreal, Canada). In Dr. Hausner's lab, my work aimed to understand the evolutionary dynamics of mobile introns and their encoded open reading frames (such as DNA-cutting meganucleases). An important finding from my Ph.D. project was the characterization of two novel DNA-cutting enzymes (i.e., I-OmiI and I-OmiII) with applications in genome editing. In Dr. Lang's lab, my research was part of a large-scale project titled “GenoRem," the goal of which was to improve bioremediation of polluted soils through environmental genomics. My research in GenoRem led to one of the biggest achievements in my career, which was the discovery and characterization of a novel RNA family called mitochondrial transfer-messenger RNA (mt-tmRNA) encoded within the mitochondrial genomes of many Oomycetes. My second postdoctoral position in Dr. Fouad Daayf's lab (Plant Science Department, University of Manitoba, Canada) introduced me to the basics of plant pathology by being involved in a project to investigate the cross-pathogenicity of some Fusarium spp. between cereal and pulse crops in Manitoba (a prairie region of Canada producing mainly cereals and pulses). During this project, we developed the first specific molecular marker for the important Fusarium head blight pathogen F. graminearum sensu stricto and reported an emerging disease, soybean root rot caused by F. cerealis. Currently, I am working as a research biologist in Dr. Reem Aboukhaddour's lab (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research and Development Centre). In Dr. Aboukhaddour's lab (Cereal Pathology), my research is centered on investigating plant pathogens associated with cereal crops in western Canada (and worldwide through international collaboration), as well as studying plant–microbe interactions and how disease-causing microorganisms (mainly fungi) sustain themselves within their hosts. Moreover, we investigate virulence gene diversity and its impact on pathogenicity, as well as the discovery and biochemical characterization of novel effectors encoded by necrotrophic fungal plant pathogens. In addition to research experience, I have built substantial teaching and supervision experience. I have taught a variety of biology, microbiology, and molecular biology courses during my work as a lecturer at Suez University (Egypt) and as a session instructor with the Department of Microbiology, University of Manitoba (Canada). I also have supervised many masters and Ph.D. students in Egyptian and Canadian universities. In Dr. Aboukhaddour's lab, I combine my long experience in microbiology, molecular biology, plant pathology, and bioinformatics to answer many important research questions regarding the diversity and evolution of effector-encoding genes. We have designed molecular tools to detect and characterize the neglected ToxB gene (encoding chlorosis-inducing effector), and its homolog (toxb) in the tan spot pathogen Pyrenophora tritici-repentis and related species. We have explored ToxB/toxb in a large number of P. tritici-repentis isolates that represent all known pathotypes from different geographic regions and have identified the presence of toxb homologs in P. teres (the barley pathogen) and many other plant fungal pathogens for the first time. This work has provided novel insights into ToxB, its homologs, and its evolution via duplication or loss of function and the variation in its upstream regulatory sequences in various isolates or species, which add significant value to the effector research community. I hope to continue my research on understanding the molecular basis underlying the interactions between necrotrophic fungal pathogens and their host crops. This can help us to develop long-term effective management options for necrotrophs infecting economically important cereal crops.
Learn more about the research project in "Research Highlight: Evolution of the ToxB Gene in Pyrenophora tritici-repentis and Related Species" by Reem Aboukhaddour.
Name: Munir Nur
Current Position: Software engineer, Big Data
Education: B.S. degree in computer science, concentration in computational biology, University of California, Davis
Nonscientific Interests: Cooking, hiking, reading, animals, plants, music
Brief Bio: I grew up developing a keen interest in how we can build technology to better understand the world around us. Applications in ecology and agriculture specifically intrigue me, and as I learned more about computer science in my university studies, I became increasingly eager to apply it to the natural sciences. I soon dove into computational biology and bioinformatics courses, and I was fortunate to start working with
Kelsey Wood in
Dr. Richard Michelmore's lab at UC Davis, assisting with plant–microbe interaction research. I learned how to parse research papers, relevant background information about oomycetes, and how to apply academic knowledge to approach research problems. This opportunity allowed me to perform analyses and build tools for published research papers, and I'm grateful for the experience. I'm continuing a career in the data science field as an engineer and also helping to maintain the published tools we've built.
Name: Kelsey Wood
Current Position: Postdoctoral scholar, Michelmore Lab, University of California, Davis
Education: B.A. degree in biology, Reed College; Ph.D. degree in integrative genetics and genomics, University of California, Davis
Nonscientific Interests: Music, poetry, art, fashion, travel, food, cats
Brief Bio: I grew up in Boise, ID, where I became fascinated with plants, animals, and mushrooms from a young age during camping trips and in the ecological habitat of my own backyard. I attended Reed College in Portland, OR, where I had my first taste of genomics research during my senior thesis on the behavioral genomics of cichlid fish with
Dr. Suzy Renn. After graduation, I returned to Boise, where I began working with potatoes at a biotechnology company called Simplot Plant Sciences. This was my first introduction to the microscopic battle between plants and pathogens, which I found irresistibly exciting and led me to pursue a Ph.D. degree at UC Davis with
Dr. Richard Michelmore, studying the interaction between lettuce and the lettuce downy mildew pathogen. I am continuing these studies as a postdoctoral scholar and look forward to a career in plant–microbe interaction research.
Learn more about Munir and Kelsey's fruitful collaboration in their
Name: Stefan Sanow
Current Position: JUMPA Ph.D. student, Root Dynamics Group, IBG-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany (Jülich–University of Melbourne Postgraduate Academy) Education: M.S. degree in biotechnology at the University of Applied Sciences–FH Aachen (Campus Jülich), Germany; B.S. degree in biology at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany Nonscientific Interests: Videogames, music, traveling, nature, penguins Brief Bio: I started my scientific journey in the group of Prof. Andreas Weber at Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf, where (at that time) Privatdozentin Dr. Nicole Linka (now Prof. Linka) and Ph.D. student Björn Hielscher (now Dr. Hielscher) introduced me to plant biochemistry. During my B.S. thesis, I studied the colocalization of putative peroxisomal transporters, which further increased my interest in biology, especially molecular biology and plant science. As a result, I pursued my M.S. degree in biotechnology at FH Aachen (Campus Jülich). For my M.S. thesis, I worked with Dr. Borjana Arsova and Prof. Michelle Watt in the Root Dynamics Group at IBG-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich, and Prof. Ingar Janzik (FH Aachen). This is when I delved into studying the molecular mechanisms of plant–microbe interactions. While exploring the potential benefits of such interactions on plant performance, we encountered an unexpected development. The bacterium stock, sent to us by a colleague, was identified as a different strain than expected. Nonetheless, since the experiments showed promising results, I continued studying the new bacterium, which turned out to be a Pseudomonas strain. Another positive development occurred when I was offered a Ph.D. student position in the Jülich-Melbourne Postgraduate Academy (JUMPA) in 2019. This opportunity also included a one-year stay at the partner institution, the University of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia. Awesome! Additionally, I got an interdisciplinary supervisor team consisting of Dr. Borjana Arsova (IBG-2, FZJ), Prof. Pitter Huesgen (ZEA-3, FZJ), Prof. Michelle Watt (University of Melbourne), Prof. Ute Roessner (Australian National University), and Prof. Gabriel Schaaf (University of Bonn). I accepted the offer without much hesitation, as I was already determined to understand the underlying mechanisms of plant–microbe interactions and wanted to utilize this time to optimize my studies. However, like everyone else, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 brought about significant changes. Dealing with numerous restrictions, we decided to utilize the lockdown period to prepare a review on Pseudomonas–plant interactions, with a focus on the molecular mechanisms that increase nitrogen content in plants and the influence of the abiotic environment on this interaction. Almost three years later, I finally had the opportunity to spend two months at the University of Melbourne. During this stay, I had the opportunity to interact with several great people, to learn about the challenges of untargeted lipid analyses (lipidomics), and to experience working on another continent. At the same time, I had the privilege of observing penguins (Eudyptula minor) in their natural habitat for the first time on Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia. I did not expect one of my childhood dreams to come true so quickly; thus, I had to adapt my plans: I now want to observe all penguin species in their natural habitats during my lifetime. Science makes this possible, as we are able to work on various continents. From my personal point of view, I highly recommend exchange programs for Ph.D. students, as it expands your perspective on the world, which also changes your perspective on science. Keep in mind that adapting to a new environment will take some time, so do not pack your schedule too tight (or you might miss your "penguins")! I have now reached a point where I can summarize the findings of the past few years and prepare to embark on my first postdoc position after completing my Ph.D. degree. Plant–microbe interactions offer interdisciplinary research opportunities that incorporate a variety of methods to unravel the molecular mechanisms involved. This makes the field particularly fascinating, as I can grow alongside the project and gain insights into various factors influencing this complex system. Learn more about the research project in "Review Highlight: Molecular Mechanisms of Pseudomonas Assisted Plant Nitrogen Uptake—Opportunities for Modern Agriculture" by Borjana Arsova.
| A Reference Genome Sequence Resource for the Sugar Beet Root Rot Pathogen
Aphanomyces cochlioides
Annie Harvieux, UMN Plant Pathology Communications and Relations Coordinator
Jacob Botkin, graduate research assistant
From his undergraduate plant pathology internship to his work assembling and annotating the
Aphanomyces cochlioides genome,
Jacob Botkin's plant pathology career thus far has been a testament to versatility and embracing the unknown. While interning in the University of Minnesota Plant Disease Clinic (PDC) during his bachelor's degree program, Botkin discovered a love for examining plant samples and studying plant–microbe interactions. This great fit led to a subsequent job at the Forest Service research lab in St. Paul, MN, that was doing similar diagnostic work. Botkin points out that what surprised him most when transitioning from coursework to the PDC was how much is still left to discover about plant health and plant genetics in particular. This theme of discovery held true as he pursued his master's degree in plant pathology at the University of Minnesota under the guidance of
Drs. Ashok Chanda and
Cory Hirsch. During his master's program Botkin picked up more skills on genome assembly and annotation, optimizing soil DNA isolations and qPCR-based detection of soilborne pathogens. Minnesota is number one in the nation for sugar beet production, and sugar beet production is consistently challenged by
A. cochlioides, especially during wet years. To sequence and annotate the A. cochlioides genome, Botkin unlocked an entirely new skill set through on-the-go learning and collaboration: computation and coding. Despite his lack of experience in this side of the work, Botkin was encouraged not to worry about it and to take on the new challenge. Botkin credits Dr. Hirsch, assistant professor of plant pathology, with giving him regular, detailed, and ongoing lessons in coding skills, as well as Hirsch's plant genomics coursework. Spending summers at the Northwest Research and Outreach Center and pursuing opportunities to present this research to sugar beet stakeholders were also rewarding experiences for Botkin. When the COVID-19 pandemic began and universities sent staff and students home, Botkin's work continued. With his DNA sequence data in hand, Botkin was able to work from home and do the computational portion of the project utilizing the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute's computing power. Botkin identifies this as the steepest part of the learning curve, particularly installing and configuring new software being used for plant pathogen genome assembly and annotation. This growth has all paid off by adding versatility and adaptability to Botkin's skills and career options. Beyond going from being a mild technophobe to being his new lab's bioinformatic troubleshooter, Botkin now has a variety of skills that can take him from the computer desk to the lab to the greenhouse in a single project. This ability to work in a variety of environments and to pick up new skills and bring them into any subsequent environment has helped Botkin break the assumption that plant pathology is too niche of a career path and move into embracing the variety of skills, settings, and job options available for him.
Name: Gongjun Shi
Current Position: Research Specialist, Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University, ND, USA
Education: Ph.D. degree in genomics and bioinformatics at North Dakota State University, USA; Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in olericulture at Nanjing Agricultural University, China; and B.S. degree, with honors, in olericulture at Shandong Agricultural University, China
Nonscientific Interests: Hiking, running, photography, cooking, and volunteering
Brief Bio: I was born in a small village in Shandong Province, China, and had a dream to be a medical doctor one day. However, I was not accepted into medical school, which led me to pursue degrees in olericulture and then genomics and bioinformatics. Now, I am proud to be a plant pathologist. During my years working with
Brassica, I was fascinated with the sophisticated mechanisms by which plants fertilize at the molecular level. How plants recognize self and non-self pollen particularly drew my attention. Joining the Key Lab of Southern Vegetable Crop Genetic Improvement led by
Dr. Xilin Hou allowed me to pursue this project. At the same time, how plants distinguish self and non-self molecules captured my eye for understanding how plants can effectively balance energy for both growth and defense processes. After enrolling in the Department of Plant Pathology at North Dakota State University, I worked in
Dr. Justin Faris' lab and focused on the cloning of wheat sensitivity genes interacting with necrotrophic effectors produced by
Parastagnospora nodorum. Collaborating with
Dr. Tim Friesen's group, we found that necrotrophic specialists could hijack both PAMP-triggered immunity and the effector-triggered immunity pathway to cause disease. As a postdoc, I entered
Dr. Daniel Kliebenstein's lab at the University of California, Davis, to work on a necrotrophic generalist,
Botrytis cinerea, to understand its virulence across the plant kingdom. Currently, I am working on wheat tan spot disease and bacteria leaf streak research led by
Dr. Zhaohui Liu. I continue to leverage my plant breeding background, together with my expertise in plant pathology, to unveil many more exciting stories of phytopathogens and plant immunity.
Name: Hari Karki
Current Position: Molecular breeder (tomato) at Lipman Family Farms, Florida, USA
Education: M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in plant health at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Brief Bio: Over the years, I have conducted research in the field of plant pathology, genetics, genomics, and molecular biology at Louisiana State University (LSU), The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). I was always attracted to different aspects of agriculture, which eventually led to my enrollment at the agriculture institute of Nepal. After completion of my undergraduate degree, I joined the Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology at LSU to pursue a master's degree, studying the bacterial pathogen
Burkholderia glumae. After completion of a M.S. degree in plant health, I continued studying for a Ph.D. degree and worked on understanding the virulence mechanism and population diversities of
B. glumae through targeted sequencing and mutagenesis of pathogenic and nonpathogenic isolates. At TSL, I worked on a capture-based next-generation sequencing method, resistant gene enrichment and sequencing (RenSeq), and gene enrichment and sequencing (GenSeq) to map and clone resistance genes against late blight of potato caused by
Phytophthora infestans. At the USDA, I worked on the molecular dissection of
RB (also known as
Rpi-blb1) mediated late blight resistance in potato.
RB is a broad-spectrum late blight resistance gene cloned from
Solanum bulbocastanum, which recognizes
P. infestans effector IPI-O (in planta–induced gene O), also known as
Avrblb1. IPI-O is a multigene effector family that has been divided into three major classes. IPI-O class I and class II variants detect
RB and initiate resistance activation; however, with class III variants, IPI-O4 not only escapes recognition by
RB but is also capable of inhibiting the hypersensitive response (HR) by directly binding the
RB CC domain. To identify the
RB CC domain that does not interact with IPI-O4, we explored natural variations in the
RB CC domain from different Solanaceae species and identified the
RB CC domain from
S. pinnatisectum (pnt) that does not interact directly with IPI-O4. We identified crucial amino acids in the
RB CC domain that play an important role in the avoidance of suppression activity of IPI-O4 and, thus, could enable resistance activation even in the presence of this suppressor. We further modified these amino acids in a wild-type
RB gene and concluded that modification of single amino acids within the
RB CC domain can either diminish or increase the resistance capability of the
RB gene. Our study provides a clue about engineering new variants of known
R genes that can further expand the resistance spectrum.
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