

IS-MPMI > COMMUNITY > Interactions > Posts > Congratulations to our 2023 IS-MPMI Awardees
Jun 28
Congratulations to our 2023 IS-MPMI Awardees

Congratulations to Jonathan D. G. Jones, the 2023 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient and to Cara Haney and Xiufang Xin, the 2023 Early Career Achievement Award recipients.​ The awardees will be recognized and celebrated at the 2023 IS-MPMI Congress.

Learn more about the awardees.​

Outstanding Achievement Award

This award recognizes an investigator who has a high international reputation as a research leader for groundbreaking and original research in the area of molecular plant–microbe interactions. The award also recognizes their strong commitment to one or more activities that advance the IS-MPMI field, including teaching, mentoring, educational outreach, international collaborations, service to the community, and/or advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.

Early Career Achievement Award

This award recognizes outstanding investigators who are known internationally as emerging research leaders in the area of molecular plant–microbe interactions.

​Jonathan D. G. Jones

Cara Haney

Xiufang Xin​​
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