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IS-MPMI > COMMUNITY > Interactions > Posts > 2023 - Issue 2
| | | | | | | | All eligible voting members of IS-MPMI have been sent an electronic ballot to vote in this year's Board of Directors election. Three of six candidates will be elected to the Board of Directors to serve a 4-year term. Those elected will be installed during the Board meeting at the 2023 IS-MPMI Congress. Cast your vote by July 6, 2023 (midnight CDT).
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| Also in this issue...
| | | The 2023 IS-MPMI Congress is less than a month away, and we're excited to see everyone in Providence, Rhode Island. There is still time to register and join us in July for our first in-person meeting in four years! Congratulations to Jonathan D. G. Jones, the 2023 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient, and to Cara Haney and Xiufang Xin, the 2023 Early Career Achievement Award recipients. The awardees will be recognized and celebrated at the 2023 IS-MPMI Congress. ISMPMI is seeking a new Editor-in-Chief for IS-MPMI Interactions. Learn more about the responsibilities, resources, and opportunities associated with this position. The term for the position will officially begin after the 2023 IS-MPMI Congress. "The Next Big Idea" Session at 2023 IS-MPMI Congress
The 2023 IS-MPMI Congress will include an innovative and interactive plenary pession focused on the "WHY" behind our research. During the "The Next Big Idea" session, five IS-MPMI community members from diverse backgrounds and career stages will convey why you should care about their research and answer audience questions.
Interact with MPMI at 2023 IS-MPMI Congress: Attend a Special Session, Visit the Editors of MPMI, and Potentially Win a Poster Award!
MPMI editors are providing several opportunities to engage with and learn more about the journal and publishing during the 2023 IS-MPMI Congress. MPMI editors will host "The Making of a Story—Building Narratives and Communicating Science Effectively" session; the MPMI booth, and the Student Poster Award competition. InterView with Dr. Wenbo Ma
Tianrun Li, Ph.D. candidate in the Plant Pathology program at the University of California, Davis, interviewed Dr. Wenbo Ma, senior group leader at The Sainsbury Laboratory and honorary professor at the University of East Anglia. Li spoke with Dr. Ma about being named a 2022 AAAS Fellow, her career journey, and what the future may hold. InterView with Dr. Maeli Melotto
Aline Sartor Chicowski recently interviewed Dr. Maeli Melotto, professor and scientist at the University of California, Davis. Chicowski spoke with Dr. Melotto about being named a 2022 AAAS Fellow, how she became interested in plant pathology, her research goals, and challenges in her career. InterView with Munir Nur and Kelsey Wood
Munir Nur, software engineer, Big Data, and Kelsey Wood, postdoctoral scholar, Michelmore Lab, University of California, Davis, answered questions about their collaboration on the EffectorO project and publication of their paper, "EffectorO: Motif-Independent Prediction of Effectors in Oomycete Genomes Using Machine Learning and Lineage-Specificity," in MPMI. InterView with Dr. Bing Yang
Ashley C. Nelson, Ph.D. student in the Plant Pathology Department at North Dakota State University, interviewed Dr. Bing Yang, principal investigator and member at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, professor of plant science and technology, University of Missouri–Columbia, and 2022 AAAS Fellow. Nelson spoke with Dr. Yang about his career, the importance of collaboration in science, and his advice for young scientists. InterView with Dr. Cyril Zipfel
Dr. Amelia H. Lovelace, postdoctoral researcher at The Sainsbury Laboratory, interviewed Prof. Cyril Zipfel, chair of Molecular and Cellular Physiology at the University of Zurich, and senior group leader at The Sainsbury Laboratory. Dr. Lovelace spoke with Prof. Zipfel about the evolution of his research interests, his approach to mentorship, and his advice for early-career researchers. InterConnections: Get to Know Munir Nur and Kelsey Wood
Learn about Munir Nur and Kelsey Wood and how their diverse backgrounds led to a fruitful collaboration on EffectorO and publication of their paper, "EffectorO: Motif-Independent Prediction of Effectors in Oomycete Genomes Using Machine Learning and Lineage-Specificity," in MPMI. InterConnections: Get to Know Stefan Sanow
Learn about Stefan Sanow, coauthor of the review paper "Molecular Mechanisms of Pseudomonas Assisted Plant Nitrogen Uptake—Opportunities for Modern Agriculture" recently published in MPMI, and the unexpected bacterium that led to new insights into the complex genus Pseudomonas.
| We are always looking for content for Interactions. Please contact Interactions Editor-in-Chief Dennis Halterman with questions or article ideas.
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