

IS-MPMI > COMMUNITY > Interactions > Posts > Interactions 2018 - Issue 3
Sep 27
Interactions 2018 - Issue 3

2018's third issue of IS-MPMI Interactions includes a letter from IS-MPMI President Regine Kahmann and IS-MPMI members who received awards at ICPP2018. 

Letter from the President

IS-MPMI President Regine Kahmann previews the IS-MPMI XVIII Congress in Glasgow and recaps this year at IS-MPMI.

Pierre de Wit Receives Prestigious Jakob Eriksson Prize

IS-MPMI member Pierre de Wit is the 2018 recipient of the Jakob Eriksson Prize, awarded by the International Society of Plant Pathology at the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP2018). The Eriksson Prize is the highest international honor for achievement in plant pathology. Read an interview with de Wit and find out how to watch his lecture online!

Four IS-MPMI Members Receive APS Awards at ICPP2018

Melania Figueroa, Howard S. Judelson, Barbara S. Valent, and Xueping Zhou received awards at ICPP2018. Read about their distinguished careers!


 Job Openings

IS-MPMI Interactions


Editor-in-Chief: Dennis Halterman
Staff Editor: Michelle Bjerkness

The deadline for submitting items to the next issue of Interactions is February 23, 2018.
IS-MPMI Interactions is a quarterly publication by the International Society of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
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Share views on "hot topics," anecdotal stories about research findings published in the MPMI journal, or science-related events within the community. E-mail Dennis Halterman or submit items online.
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