

IS-MPMI > COMMUNITY > Interactions > Posts > InterStellar: ​Jan Leach Receives Agropolis Foundation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food
Jun 11
InterStellar: ​Jan Leach Receives Agropolis Foundation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food

Jan Leach, Colorado State University (CSU), received the Agropolis Foundation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food​ in the category “Distinguished Scientist.” She received the award in Montpelier, France, during the 4th World Congress on Agroforestry in May. The Agropolis Foundation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize is awarded every 2 years and recognizes individuals for their “exemplary and promising contribution in promoting innovation through research, development and/or capacity building, in order to improve food and agricultural systems sustainability, as well as to address food security and poverty reduction.” As the associate dean for research in the College of Agricultural Sciences at CSU, Leach works with plant pathogens and insect pests and has focused on stabilizing disease resistance in rice to reduce losses, particularly in the developing world. Leach served as President of IS-MPMI from 1999-2001.

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