Congratulations to the 2019 Ko Shimamoto Congress Travel Awardees. These awards are funded by the USDA-NIFA and NSF Plant Biotic Interactions Program (applications submitted by Roger Innes), and by funds generated from previous IS-MPMI conferences. This year, 385 applications were received for travel to the 2019 IS-MPMI Congress in Glasgow, Scotland. The USDA and NSF funding will be used to supplement travel costs for 30 attendees coming from the U.S. The IS-MPMI funds will support an additional 40 awards for non-U.S. scientists.
The award committee volunteers (President-Elect Mary Beth Mudgett, Treasurer Roger Innes, Travel Award Executive Wenbo Ma, and Interactions EIC Dennis Halterman) first ranked abstracts by topic area using input from special session chairs and then prioritized awards based on research topics, geography, and quality, to maximize the diversity of science being supported. The group of this year’s awardees represents 26 countries and comprises 42 graduate students, 23 postdocs, and 5 early-career professionals. Congratulations to all awardees! We look forward to learning more about your research in Glasgow.
- Andrew Armitage, NIAB EMR
- Korey Brownstein, The University of Chicago
- Maria del Pilar Caro, INSIBIO-CONICET-UNT
- Claudia Alejandra Castro, University of California, Riverside
- Bardo A. Castro Esparza, University of California, Davis
- Nuri Charoennit, National University of Singapore
- Nicholas R. Colaianni, UNC Chapel Hill Biology
- Khondoker M. G. Dastogeer, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- Sophie De Vries, Dalhousie University
- Sohini Deb, CSIR- Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Zoe Dubrow, Cornell University
- Anne Duncan, Stanford University
- Citlali Fonseca, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Andrew D. Gloss, University of Chicago
- Michael R. Gomez, University of California, Berkeley
- Laís M. Granato, Centro de Citricultura Sylvio Moreira/Instituto Agronômico
- Corri Hamilton, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Susanna Harris, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Janine Haueisen, Environmental Genomics CAU Kiel & MPI Plön
- Tyler Helmann, University of California Berkeley
- Ariel Herrera-Vásquez, Universidad Andrés Bello
- Yiheng Hu, Australian National University
- Alejandra I. Huerta, Colorado State University
- Amit K. Jaiswal, Purdue University
- Martin Janda, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
- Seongbeom Kim, Seoul National University
- Seomun Kwon, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
- Bradley Laflamme, University of Toronto
- Asaf Levy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Feng Li, University of Minnesota
- Federica Locci, Sapienza University
- Kamal Kumar Malukani, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Bethan Manley, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge
- Rose Tafadzwa Masekesa, University of Zimbabwe
- Mamoru Matsumura, Nagoya University
- Diana Carolina Mazo Molina, Cornell University
- Mame Diarra Mbengue, INRA
- Kathryn McIntyre, Colorado State University
- Hannah M. McMillan, Duke University
- Amanda G. McRae, University of California, Berkeley
- Bharat Kumar Mishra, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Maria A. Morel, IIBCE
- Jason Ng, The Australian National University
- Ntombikayise Precious Nkomo, University of Pretoria
- Bridget O'Banion, University of Tennessee
- Juan C. Ochoa, Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Science
- Zigmunds Orlovskis, University of Lausanne
- Arturo Ortega, University of California Berkeley
- Lorena B. Parra, UC Davis- Genome center
- Christopher Peritore-Galve, Cornell University
- Sarah E. Pottinger, Indiana University
- Sivasubramanian Rajarammohan, National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute
- Mélanie K. Rich, LRSV UMR5546 CNRS/Université de Toulouse III
- Edward C. Rojas, University of Copenhagen
- Jose Rufian, Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology
- Mugdha Sabale, University of Cordoba
- Carol-Ann Crystal Segal, University of Pretoria
- Adam Todd Seroka, Michigan State University
- Lin-Jie Shu, Technical University of Munich
- Meenu Singla Rastogi, IBENS
- Guy Sobol, Tel Aviv University
- DeQuantarius J. Speed, University of Chicago
- Yi-Chang Sung, Research School of Biology, The Australia National University
- Katalin Toth, University of Missouri
- Stephanie Van Wyk, University of Pretoria
- Valeria Velasquez-Zapata, Iowa State University
- Jaap-Jan Willig, WUR
- Silvia F. Zanini, University of Giessen, JLU
- Jeysika Zayas-Rivera, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Yi Zhai, UC Riverside