Brachypodium distachyon - A new model host for Claviceps purpurea
S. KIND (1), S. Schurack (1), J. Hinsch (2), P. Tudzynski (1) (1) University of Muenster, Germany; (2) University of Duesseldorf, Germany

The ergot fungus Claviceps purpurea is a biotrophic phytopathogen with a broad host range including important crop species. The infection is highly specific to unfertilized ovaries and causes intoxication of the harvest with ergot alkaloids, thus, it is unsuitable for food and feed. To study the infection process rye is currently used but its cultivation conditions are complex and its large genome hinders genetic modifications. In contrast, the grass species Brachypodium distachyon combines several qualities of a suitable model host and allows new perspectives for molecular analysis of the infection process. Its susceptibility was tested by the appearance of macroscopic infection symptoms, microscopic observation and altered expression profiles of typical disease responsive genes. Our results show that B. distachyon and C. purpurea can perform a compatible interaction featuring micro- and macroscopic infection symptoms. However, the appearance of macroscopic symptoms is reduced compared to rye which hinders statistically significant evaluation. Analysis of plant gene expression is more promising as the plant response matches results from known compatible interactions. In the future, this system can be used to test the general relevance of virulence factors from the Claviceps-rye system and compare the plant response to C. purpurea to other pathogens.

Abstract Number: P7-178
Session Type: Poster